Deploy Discourse with Juju in 8 minutes

Steve Francia asked me to help him get Discourse deployed as a place for people to discuss Hugo, his static site generator (which is what I use to build this blog). If you don’t know Discourse, it’s pretty amazing forum software with community-driven moderation, all the modern features you expect (@mentions, SSO integration, deep email integration, realtime async updates, and a whole lot more). What I ended up deploying is now at

I’d already played around with deploying Discourse about six months ago, so I already had an idea of what was involved. Given that I work on Juju as my day job, of course I decided to use Juju to deploy Discourse for Steve. This involved writing a Juju charm which is sort of like an install script, but with hooks for updating configuration and hooks for interacting with other services. I’ll talk about the process of writing the charm in a later post, but for now, all you need to know is that it follows the official install guide for installing Discourse.

The install guide says that you can install Discourse in 30 minutes. Following it took me a lot longer than that, due to some confusion about what the install guide really wanted you to do, and what the install really required. But you don’t need to know any of that to use Juju to install Discourse, and you can get it done in 8 minutes, not 30. Here’s how:

First, install Juju:

sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:juju/stable
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y juju-core

Now, Juju does not yet have a provider for Digital Ocean, so we have to use a plugin to get the machine created. We’re in the process of writing a provider for Digital Ocean, so soon the plugin won’t be necessary. If you use another cloud provider, such as AWS, Azure, HP Cloud, Joyent, or run your own Openstack or MAAS, you can easily configure Juju to use that service, and a couple of these steps will not be necessary. I’ll post separate steps for that later. But for now, let’s assume you’re using Digital Ocean.

Install the juju Digital Ocean plugin:

sudo apt-get install -y python-pip
pip install -U juju-docean

Get your Digital Ocean access info and set the client id in an environment variable called DO_CLIENT_ID and the API key in an environment variable called DO_API_KEY.

Juju requires access with an SSH key to the machines, so make sure you have one set up in your Digital Ocean account.

Now, let’s create a simple configuration so juju knows where you want to deploy your new environment.

juju init

Running juju init will create a boilerplate configuration file at ~/.juju/environments.yaml. We’ll append our digital ocean config at the bottom:

echo "    digitalocean:
        type: manual
        bootstrap-host: null
        bootstrap-user: root
" >> ~/.juju/environments.yaml

Note that this is yaml, so the spaces at the beginning of each line are important. Copy and paste should do the right thing, though.

Now we can start the real fun, let’s switch to the digitalocean environment we just configured, and create the first Juju machine in Digital Ocean:

juju switch digitalocean
juju docean bootstrap --constraints="mem=2g, region=nyc2"

(obviously replace the region with whatever one you want)

Now, it’ll take about a minute for the machine to come up.

Discourse requires email to function, so you need an account at mandrill, mailgun, etc. They’re free, so don’t worry. From that account you need to get some information to properly set up Discourse. You can do this after installing discourse, but it’s faster if you do it before and give the configuration at deploy time. (changing settings later will take a couple minutes while discourse reconfigures itself)

When you deploy discourse, you’re going to give it a configuration file, which will look something like this:

  DISCOURSE_SMTP_PASSWORD: supersecretpassword

The first line must be the same as the name of the service you’re deploying. By default it’s “discourse”, so you don’t need to change it unless you’re deploying multiple copies of discourse to the same Juju environment. And remember, this is yaml, so those spaces at the beginning of the rest of the lines are important.

The rest should be pretty obvious. Hostname is the domain name where your site will be hosted. This is important, because discourse will send account activation emails, and the links will use that hostname. Developer emails are the email addresses of accounts that should get automatically promoted to admin when created. The rest is email-related stuff from your mail service account. Finally, unicorn workers should just stay 3 unless you’re deploying to a machine with less than 2GB of RAM, in which case set it to 2.

Ok, so now that you have this file somewhere on disk, we can deploy discourse. Don’t worry, it’s really easy. Just do this:

juju deploy cs:~natefinch/trusty/discourse --config path/to/configfile --to 0
juju expose discourse

That’s it. If you’re deploying to a 2GB Digital Ocean droplet, it’ll take about 7 minutes.

To check on the status of the charm deployment, you can do juju status, which will show, among other things “agent-state: pending” while the charm is being deployed. Or, if you want to watch the logs roll by, you can do juju debug- log.

Eventually juju status will show agent-state: started. Now grab the ip address listed at public address: in the same output and drop that into your browser. Bam! Welcome to Discourse.

If you ever need to change the configuration you set in the config file above, you can do that by editing the file and doing

juju set discourse --config=/path/to/config

Or, if you just want to tweak a few values, you can do

juju set discourse foo=bar baz=bat ...

Note that every time you call juju set, it’ll take a couple minutes for Discourse to reconfigure itself, so you don’t want to be doing this over and over if you can hep it.

Now you’re on your own, and will have to consult the gurus at if you have any problems. But don’t worry, since you deployed using Juju, which uses their official install instructions, your discourse install is just like the ones people deploy manually (albeit with a lot less time and trouble).

Good Luck!

Please let me know if you find any errors in this page, and I will fix them immediately.
