Hugo Is Friggin' Awesome
Aug 1, 2014Series: Hugo 101
This blog is powered by Hugo, a static site generator written by Steve Francia (aka spf13). It is, of course, written in Go. It is pretty similar to Jekyll, in that you write markdown, run a little program (hugo) and html pages come out the other end in the form of a full static site. What’s different is that Jekyll is written in ruby and is relatively slow, and Hugo is written in Go and is super fast… only taking a few milliseconds to render each page.
Hugo includes a webserver to serve the content, which will regenerate the site automatically when you change your content. Your browser will update with the changes immediately, making your development cycle for a site a very tight loop.
The basic premise of Hugo is that your content is organized in a specific way on purpose. Folders of content and the name of the files combine to turn into the url at which they are hosted. For example, content/foo/bar/ will be hosted at <site>/foo/bar/baz.
Every content file has a section of metadata at the top that allows you to specify information about the content, like the title, date, even arbitrary data for your specific site (for example, I have lists of badges that are shown on pages for code projects).
All the data in a content file is just that - data. Other than markdown specifying a rough view of your page, the actual way the content is viewed is completely separated from the data. Views are written in Go’s templating language, which is quick to pick up and easy to use if you’ve used other templating languages (or even if, like me, you haven’t). This lets you do things like iterate over all the entries in a menu and print them out in a ul/li block, or iterate over all the posts in your blog and display them on the main page.
You can learn more about Hugo by going to its site, which, of course, is built using Hugo.
The static content for this site is hosted on github pages at But the static content is relatively boring… that’s what you’re looking at in your browser right now. What’s interesting is the code behind it. That lives in a separate repo on github at This is where the markdown content and templates live.
Here’s how I have things set up locally… all open source code on my machine lives in my GOPATH (which is set to my HOME). So, it’s easy to find anything I have ever downloaded. Thus, the static site lives at $GOPATH/src/ and the markdown + templates lives in $GOPATH/src/ I created a symbolic link under npf called public that points to the directory. This is the directory that hugo outputs the static site to by default… that way Hugo dumps the static content right into the correct directory for me to commit and push to github. I just had to add public to my .gitignore so everyone wouldn’t get confused.
Then, all I do is go to the npf directory, and run
hugo new post/
hugo server --buildDrafts --watch -t hyde
That generates a new content item that’ll show up on my site under /post/urlofpost. Then it runs the local webserver so I can watch the content by pointing a browser at localhost:1313 on a second monitor as I edit the post in a text editor. hyde is the name of the theme I’m using, though I have modified it. Note that hugo will mark the content as a draft by default, so you need –buildDrafts for it to get rendered locally, and remember to delete the draft = true line in the page’s metadata when you’re ready to publish, or it won’t show up on your site.
When I’m satisfied, kill the server, and run
hugo -t hyde
to generate the final site output, switch into the public directory, and
git commit -am "some new post"
That’s it. Super easy, super fast, and no muss. Coming from Blogger, this is an amazingly better workflow with no wrestling with the WYSIWYG editor to make it display stuff in a reasonable fashion. Plus I can write posts 100% offline and publish them when I get back to civilization.
There’s a lot more to Hugo, and a lot more I want to do with the site, but that will come in time and with more posts :)
This is a post in the Hugo 101 series.
Other posts in this series:
- Aug 08, 2014 - Making It a Series
- Aug 08, 2014 - Hugo: Beyond the Defaults
- Aug 01, 2014 - Hugo Is Friggin' Awesome